
Bravia Clay Coming to NYC

Have you heard the big news? Sony Bravia is set to shoot the third in their series of beautifully done ads. First came Balls, then came Paint and now coming is Clay. To really put my excitement over the edge, it's being shot right here in good ol' New York City.

Beyond Madison Avenue writes, "According to a Sony PR representative, the next installment will be called "clay" and will be shot in a secret location Monday, August 6th in New York."

I can't wait to see the results. I may just have to skip work that day and wander the city looking for giant globs of clay. You can see more about the previous Bravia work here.


MTV Actually References Music

I don't understand what they are trying to say with these. Are they trying to say that MTV makes everyone fans of each other? If so, then that's stupid and untrue. And since when does MTV stand for music anyways? When I think of MTV, I think of teenage girls fighting with each other and boy bands dancing in unison. Maybe if these ads showed Justin Timberlake with a "Team Britney" shirt, they would make more sense.

Art Director: Julien Hablainville
Copywriter: Julien Sens


Do You Live in a Hole or a Boat?

Slow day in the advertising critic world, so here's a funny video. Enjoy.


XBOX Live Lets Everyone Join In

This is a pretty simple little ad, but I think it perfectly captures what the XBOX Live system does. Plus, I just got an XBOX 360 recently, so I'm a little biased.


Dirty Car Art to Get You Inspired

No, dirty car art is not naked girls spray-painted on hoods. It's artwork that is created using the dust that accumulates on the rear windshields of cars, and it's pretty amazing. There is a great gallery of some of Scott Wade's work, along with commentary of the pieces, over at his site.

Shedwatoon 15: Intern Competition

This cartoon is the fifteenth in a weekly series drawn by a talented illustrator named Victoria Levan. Check back each Friday for a new Shedwatoon.



Man vs. Wild: New York City

This is hillarious. I'm a big Man vs. Wild fan, and the other day I had the idea to make a mockumentary of the show with a New York City episode. Well, someone beat me to it, and they did a great job. Hillarious.

Possibly the Worst Interviewer Ever

Man, there's nothing quite like watching someone stumble along and then fall flat on their face. No, this isn't that Beyonce falling down the stairs video (which oddly has been removed from YouTube due to copyright claims by Sony). This video is some internet interviewer completely messing up just about every line fed to her during an interview with Holly Hunter. Enjoy.


A Little Yankee Entertainment

So, I've been along for the bumpy ride the Yankees have been taking me on this year. Sometimes they are playing like pros, other times they should let the bat boy hit clean-up. And in the last few weeks I've been watching the ESPN mini-series The Bronx is Burning. If you're a Yankee fan and know some of the history of the team, it's a very entertaining show. If you have no clue what The Reggie Bar is, then you probably won't be interested.

Anyways, all of this Yankee entertainment brought me back to this old Brisk Iced Tea commercial. I loved it then, and I still love it now. The animation and characters are fun. Maybe today's team should buy a few cases and get back to their winning ways. Let's go Yanks.

Eva Longoria Gets Sporty for Bebe Sport

Here's the new Bebe Sport ads featuring Eva Longoria. She looks pretty good, and I like the black and white photos. I'm not a big fan of fashion ads like these, that are simply a huge photo of someone with the clothes on, but when that someone is a celebrity, I think it works. With these, maybe they could have taken advantage of the fact that Eva's newlywed husband is NBA pro Tony Parker. I mean, these are ads for a sports line after all.

Allstate Pushes Car Half-Way Off Ledge

Nice little outdoor thing for Allstate. I wonder how many people actually noticed it all the way up there, though.

Agency: Leo Burnett, Chicago



Red Heads Want Changes Made to Wendy's Logo

Man, Wendy's has pissed off the wrong group of people. A mass amount of red heads protested a Manhattan Wendy's recently. They are upset that the Wendy's logo unfairly portrays red heads as white and freckly. They took to the streets armed with signs and hilarious chants. Although, I doubt they will have much of an impact on the food chains long standing logo.

Alright, so the protest was actually just another stunt by the Improv Everywhere gang, but it was a damn good one. See more red headed action on their site. Firecrotch would be so proud.

Masks Made of Converse are Unclear

These are really cool, and they did a great job with the art direction and creating the masks, but why masks? Copy reads, "The Original All Star." I don't get it. Anyone have any thoughts?

Agency: JWT, Poland


Bolibomba Gum Releases the Kid from Inside Your Hot Bod

Ha...these are kinda funny. Copy reads, "Bolibomba sugar free. Free the kid you carry within."

Agency: Publicis, Venezuela



Rolling Rock Gets Boob Bottle Feedback

A coworker showed me this today, and he thought it was an actual focus group. After seeing the hilarity and insanity that is presented in this focus group, I gotta think this is just a viral video for Rolling Rock. If so, it's a pretty good one. Anyone else want to weigh in on the debate?

Direct link to video.

This Toothbrush Gets all the Hard to Reach Places

Haha...these are great, and a creative way to show the product benefit. I just don't get why they had to make the guys look so weird. I think the first one looks like Adrien Brody, haha.

Agency: Callegari Berville Grey, Paris, France
Creative Director:Andrea Stillacci
Art Director: Jérôme Gonfond
Copywriter: Yannick Savioz
Photographer: Ilario&Magali
Illustrator: La souris sur le gateau
Art Buyer:Lauriane Dula

Road Safety Day Shows the Crosses at Intersections

These are great. Perfect visual to get their message across. Copy reads, "Join the first European Road Safety Day, on 27 April 2007. Stop the killing."

Agency: TBWA, Milano, Italy
Creative Directors: Fabio Palombo, Raffaele Cesaro
Art Director: Raffaele Cesaro
Copywriter: Fabio Palombo
Photographer: Corbis



The 2nd Avenue Subway Exists in an Absolut World

I'm not sure I like this whole "In an Absolut world" campaign, but this ad is a good one, I think. I spotted it at a bus stop in the Upper West Side today. The ad features the long-awaited 2nd Avenue subway line, that has yet to be started on, but talked about for years. I love the placement of the ad at a bus stop, where a subway may be more convenient. But, I still don't see how Absolut can change any of these things they are saying happen in an Absolut world. See more executions from the campaign here, here and here.

A Stroll Along the Hudson

I spent a couple hours this weekend walking along the Hudson River on the West Side of New York City. The weather was great, and the scenery was amazing. Enjoy the pics.

Naomi Campbell Does Yardwork for Dunkin' Donuts

Dunkin' Donuts has recruited Naomi Campbell for their new commercial. The spot makes no sense, and is pretty useless; much like the famous model. I guess it's a good fit, then.


Arno Blenders Get Political

These are pretty funny. Perfect examples to use, but they are a little obvious and have been used before.

Agency: Publicis, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Executive Creative Director: Rodolfo Sampaio
Creative Director: Guilherme Jahara, Rodolfo Sampaio
Copywriter: Adriano Matos, Rodolfo Sampaio, Antonio Nogueira (Mega)
Art Director: Guilherme Jahara
Photographer: Guto Nobrega
Producers: Mario Machado, Marcos Tsuda
Account Supervisor: Raul Costa
Advertiser’s Supervisors: Mara Lacerda, Eliana Leonhardt



Shedwatoon 14: Agency Pets

This cartoon is the fourteenth in a weekly series drawn by a talented illustrator named Victoria Levan. Check back each Friday for a new Shedwatoon.



Fiat Stilo Sunroofs are Fat

These are funny, but I feel bad laughing at the expense of the obese. Copy reads, "Fiat Stilo with Skywindow. The largest sun roof you have ever seen." I think they could have come up with a better way to sell this feature.



The Elderly Travel to Places They Can't See

These are kinda funny. They are advertising traveling for old people, explaining the bad eye sight.

Agency: Dentsu Marcom, Mumbai, India
Creative Director: Adrian Mendonza
Art Director/Copywriter: Pramod Sharma


The Simpsons are in Harper's Bazaar

There has been so many great promotions for The Simpsons Movie, that I almost can't handle it. In another perfect idea, Harper's Bazaar magazine has a photo spread of The Simpsons with famous designers and fashion icons. The ad guys for this movie have outdone themselves and deserve a big wheel barrel of bonuses delivered to their desk. Painfully Hip has a great side by side of the actual dresses used in the pages of the spread. Awesome to see they went so far as to use actual fashion pieces in the cartoons. See more pages from the spread below.

Illustrator: Julius Preite

Chameleon Goes Crazy with So Many Choices

This is funny, haha. Copy reads, "1637 colours. Dulux." Those crazy color changing chameleons. Very nice work. Great idea.

Agency: Callegari Berville Grey, Paris, France
Creative Director: Andrea Stillacci
Art Director: Eric Diratzouyan
Copywriter: Laurent Gagnière


Whiskas Makes Something of Themselves

These are nice. Simple idea that works, good art direction and works well as a series.

Agency: TBWA London, UK
Art Director: Alex Holder
Copywriter: Ollie Kellett
Planner: Kate Winter
Photographer: Rankin
Retouching: E Graphics
