
ARod Loves Milk

So the Yankee thirdbaseman, Alex Rodriquez, is part of this new Body by Milk thing. I guess he will try anything at this point to improve his...uh, less than good...stats. He does lead the Yankees in one department this year though, errors (22).

World Trade Center Memorial Ad Campaign

To raise funds for the World Trade Center memorial, a full scale ad campaign has been launched asking the question, 'Where were you when it happened?'. The ads were created by TBWA/Chiat/Day pro bono. Read more about it here.

As for where I was; I was in my computer class during my senior year of high school.

Classic PSAs are the Best

I didn't think pills started talking to you untill AFTER you ate a bottle of them.

Yea, We're Just Gonna Put a Happy Man Under that Afro

A recent posting by The Velvet Hot Tub reminded me how clutch Bob Ross was. So I dug up this video for all to enjoy. Bob Ross; definitely one of my biggest heroes.

And the classic Family Guy tribute for good measure:

IKEA: Doggy Style

This image is making its rounds on the internet today. Everyone seems to be obsessed with whether or not the dog has a human penis (Click on the photo to see a larger view and take an even closer look at the dog's member). People are saying some mischievious photoshopper sneaked a fast, and big one past his bosses. IKEA says it is just the dogs leg.

What do I think? I don't think the image was photoshopped. I think this dog was the victim of some cruel Frankensteinian surgery as a pup and now is just trying to make a living as a model. Give him a break.


A Lost Voice Does Wonders for Yahoo!

Jessica Simpson recently lost her voice and was put on 'vocal rest'. So, of course at her record release party she had to...hold up a sign to the photographers??? Why hold a sign to people you would never do anything with your mouth for but smile, you ask?

Looks like some advertising genious at Yahoo! saw the opportunity to get a sign into every picture of Jessica that night. So they brand the sign with Yahoo! logos, and even write 'I lost my voice' in the Yahoo! font. Good work Yahoo!, good work.

What Exactly is That Dispensing

Not sure if this is actually an ad, but I think it is. As to the contents of this man, your guess is as good as mine.

New York Isn't Drunk Enough

A recent Forbes article ranks America's drunkest cities. Milwaukee ranks #1, so where is New York? All the way down at #32. Come on New Yorkers, grab a Brooklyn Lager and start doing your part. I know I am.


A friend and I got our art on today and checked out MOMA. We had both been there before, but there was a new DADA exhibit. I'm not sure if I consider a wheel attached to a stool art, but some of the paintings were interesting.

The rest of the museum was clutch as alwa
ys. Some famous paintings, some stunning photograhy and this crazy piano that played itself and was self absorbed with tons of cameras recording its every move.

MOMA is definitely recommended. A little advice; avoid the admission fees by going during Target Free Friday Nights.

I Love YouTube

As you have probably noticed by now, I'm addicted to YouTube. I created this video after being inspired by all of the responses to a video by renetto.

UPDATE: Adrants has posted on this video of mine. See what they had to say here.

Banksy Paints the Town

Living in Williamsburg has its unique little advantages. For instance, famous graffiti artists such as Banksy stop by and leave behind some artwork. This little masterpiece is on N 6th St between Wythe and Kent Aves. See a panoramic image here.


Get Lucky, but Don't Count On It

Came across these aids awareness ads. The copy reads 'Don't count on luck. Protect yourself.'

His Mom Said I Could Post This

Funny commercial. Watch it. Enjoy.


Philips Wants to Cheer You Up

Philips has created Philips Supporters, intended to cheer you or a friend up. The site allows you to enter a message and the girls will spell it out for ya. Have fun!

Go NYC Sight Seeing from Home

Flickr has a cool new feature in which it maps out all of the photography tagged with nyc. You can explore the city and all the images from that area.

Son of Sam Loves Ben and Jerry's

Adrants reports that David Berkowitz recently visited Ben and Jerry's in Union Square:

Berkowitz reports the Chocolate Fudge Brownie and liquefied Chunky Monkey were great."

I hope everything went okay. I'm pretty sure the store has a 'No Pets' policy, so there shouldn't have been any dogs there to tell the Son of Sam killer to kill again.

Now New Yorkers, don't go loading your handguns everytime you hear the ice cream truck just yet. It's actually this David Berkowitz who visited the store.

PDiddy Pisses on YouTube

Literally. PDiddy has officially pissed on YouTube. How might one go about pissing on an internet site you ask? Well, his channel BadBoyRecords has posted a video in which Diddy takes a piss while describing how entirely great it is to be able to urinate. Bound to be a classic.

'Crappy' Jeep Commercial Leads to Me Getting Press

I've seen a few commercial spoofs make their rounds on YouTube, so a few days ago I decided to create my own. I knew that most viral videos like this are very crappy, so I decided to make mine crappy as well, very crappy. Crappy. I hoped to get some hits and start making a name for myself on the YouTube.

And wouldn't you know it Adrants, one of the leading advertising blogs, linked to my video.

Thanks for the crappy shout-out Adrants!

World Trade Center Movie Review

Tonight I saw the movie 'World Trade Center' in a New York City theater with a few friends. I was unsure about the film going in, but knew that I wanted to see it for myself and make my own opinions about it.

It was not your typical movie experience, obviously. Going in I knew what the movie was about, what would happen and the emotions that the film would draw from me; which is usually not the case when seeing a movie for the first time.

I felt the movie was done in good taste. They really focused on the story of the two PAPD members, and not the event itself. This was both good and bad. While it allowed us to get to know the characters and their personal story, I felt distanced from the event and it almost downsized the importance of that day.

I also wanted to see the movie in New York City, with a New York City audience surrounding me. During quiet parts of the film, weeping could be heard from the audience, which made me wonder what personal experience that person had with September 11th. There were a few lines that were meant to be funny, but there was little laughter from the audience. Laughing during 'World Trade Center' felt disrespectful to the event, even at something intended for humor.

What was most interesting to me was the feeling I got from the New York City photography in the film, the feeling that I was looking back to a distant New York, a lost New York. One that was more innocent, but we have since moved on from. It reminded me of what was lost that day, and how we may never get it back.

Bottom Line: I would say make your own decisions about this film. If you feel you want to see it, do so and come to your own conclusions. Too soon? Too much? Poor taste? You decide.


Stickers Everywhere

A LABEL has a Flickr album where they just slap a sticker wherever and on whatever they can. I guess it can be considered a form of advertising, I mean it got me to their site.

Larger than Life is Hard to Give Life

Thinking about painting a huge self-portrait on the side of your building? Think again. New, stricter rules for oversize street adverstructure in New York City have been put in place.

These Mice were Made for Walking

MIT Advertising Lab points to a recent study which discovered that the scroll wheel on a mouse makes 26 feet of travel on average each 8-hour day. So, at least while you're sitting at your computer getting no exercise whatsoever, your mouse is getting quite a workout.

Pop-Up Advertising

I love advertising like this. Interactive, creative, unique and on strategy. And it was done by students!

Thanks to Advertising/Design Goodness.

Already Over: Already?

So I recently posted about Gawker's new 'Already Over' feature. Sadly, after just one week they have stopped the Already Over madness.

Already Over: RIP


Representin' Da Martha's Vineyard

Thanks to Maggie, and all of her awesomeness, for pointing this one out.

Smirnoff Raw Tea has created a site featuring young, rich, yacht sailing Cape Cod prep school guys rapping about how they roll.

The site also has a 'Prepsta Guide' that outlines how to be Prepsta.

Favorite line? 'We might be vanilla, but our Labs are chocolate.'

UPDATE: This campaign also includes a contest to create your own Prepsta video. They are using Craigslist to promote it.

NYC Photography

This is a slideshow I made from my photography in New York City over the last two summers. The song is 'Andy, You're a Star' by The Killers.

Only In a Jeep

Another spoof commercial. This time, the Jeep goes drinking.

100% Totally Awesome

I'm pretty sure this billboard is advertising Coors, but it makes me want water more. My water here in Brooklyn is definitely not 100% awesome, so maybe I can buy a Coors, run it through a water purifier and get totally awesome water.

Other things that are 100% awesome: Agency.com's Subway pitch, this music video and condoms.

Improv at Home Depot

I would love to be at one of these locations when this crew shows up. It's interesting how the people around them sort of act the same way out of instinct. Employees follow them slowly, people stop and stare while they are frozen. I also love the guy who is frozen staring at a toilet plunger. You guys rock!


Already Over: Everything

This week Gawker started a new series called Already Over. As the name suggests, they rant about topics in pop culture and society that people should forget about and move on from. Their first topic? Themselves, Gawker. Their latest topic? Their home, New York City. It seems they need to find some new excitement in their lives along with a new place to live. Some more topics of highlight: Drunk Female Murder Victims and Jews.

The Birds and The Bees are Ugly

I'm sure by now most people have either seen or heard the new VW Rabbit commercial. Check out the music video to the song, by Patrick & Eugene. These guys look more like a 1970s rock group and Hagrid from Harry Potter. Thanks for making the birds and bees so scary.

Pluto Not a Planet

Pluto has officially been stripped of it's planetary status. I guess Pluto is just a cartoon dog afterall. This causes me to question my whole grade school education. If Pluto isn't a planet, is 2 +2 still 4?

This is Me

This is a video I made for a project at work, but I thought I would share it.


Mothaf@$%in Funny

There's already been enough said about Snakes on a Plane. I think the whole media and grass roots following is way, way more entertaining than the movie could ever be, so I refuse to pay $10.25 to see it. But I will watch virals and spoofs till the tide comes in.

Know Thy Visitors

Unsure whether or not anybody at all is looking at your site? Looking for an easy way to compute your site traffic? Check out Site Meter, a free service that counts visits, clocks how long they spend on your pages and so much more. You can even track where visitors were when they clicked through to your site, so you know what's directing your traffic. My personal favorite feature is the World Map feature that shows plots where your visitors are in the world.

Buy Starbucks or Save a Life?

Decisions, decisions. This mock Starbucks commercial raises a very good point, but few people will actually take it to heart. Something tells me Starbucks will not be running this nationwide anytime soon.

Celebrity Yearbooks

Lots of fun celebrity photo galleries floating around today, first mugshots, now yearbook pics.

'Fletch' Set to Return

Anyone who is a fan of the 1985 Chevy Chase classic Fletch will be excited, or maybe dissapointed, to hear that a remake is in the works.

Fletch Won is to be released in 2007 and rumored to star Zach Braff in the lead role. Read all about how he tries to dismiss the rumors, while actually just reinforcing them here. I, for one, am not a fan of these types of remakes. Classics should stay that way, but Fletch Won could prove me wrong and do just as well as the Psycho remake.

The original Fletch trailer:

New Kurt Cobain Movie

The second Kurt Cobain themed film in just as many years will make its debut on September 10. A film based on hours of interviews with him, 'Kurt Cobain About a Son' is said to go beyond the larger than life persona he has become and reveal who he was as a person. Read all about it here, here and here. Oh, and here.

Celebrity Mugshots

A nice compilation of celebrities in trouble with the law. Check out more at mugshots.org.

Paris Hilton is a Cell Phone Hacker

TMZ has a posting pointing out that Paris Hilton was recently identified as a cell phone hacker. Why would she hack into cell phones? To listen to Lindsay Lohans voicemails, of course. Check out all the story details here.


Waste Even More Time Online

TIME recently released a list of the 50 Coolest Websites out there. The list covers various genre and is fun to browse. Check out these for some highlights: Drawn! Dodgeball SingShot

The Rock Stole My Style

The posters for the upcoming movie, Gridiron Gang, look an awful lot like the picture I use for my Facebook image.

Upcoming Movies

There's a couple movies coming out within the next year that I'm particularly interested in seeing. One brings me back to my 1980s childhood, the other brings me back to my 2000s college days.

TMNT movie site.

Borat movie site.

Dear YouTube: No, well maybe yes

So YouTube has created a new feature called 'Branded Channels'. Just the first step in advertising taking over one of the most particapatory sites online, YouTube. It was bound to happen, and I'm torn because my ties to advertising think this is a good thing because it's a step toward YouTubers making money through the site. On the other hand, YouTubers don't use the site to make money, they use it to express themselves and entertain others, hence the slogan, 'Broadcast Yourself'.

Maybe it's just the first branded channel, Paris Hilton, that doesn't fit with YouTube. Anyone who spends more than ten minutes on the site can figure out that the heart and soul of YouTubers aren't listening to 'Stars are Blind'. And why is her channel 'brought to you by Prison Break'? This just totally ruins the credibility of my previous post!

The Evolution of a Blog

So being without a job and very poor has given me the chance to get even further pulled into the blogging phenomenon. Up until this point, my blog has really just been a way for me to share my experiences and photos with friends, but that's about to change.

I've changed the URL and the blog name, and I plan to include more postings about things happening in pop culture and advertising, things that I find very entertaining and fun to keep up with. I'll still be posting my photography and stories from time to time, I'm just adding a new dimension to the blog.

So, I hope you all enjoy it and please leave me comments, criticisms and suggestions. Without those, I have no way of knowing who is reading and what they want more of. Hell, there's probably only one person reading, and it's the same person writing.


After Months of Waiting...

Prison Break season 2 premieres tonight at 8/7 central! Such a good show, it's addicting. I can predict that at the end of the episode you will be able to say one thing; 'Their plan is fucked!'


Chess Phenoms and War Protests

So living in the city with no job gets pretty boring, believe it or not. I spend time just wandering the city with my camera, hoping to stumble upon some interesting things. Today I roamed the streets of SOHO and the Village.

I started out around Houston and Broadway. I came across a few firetrucks and lots of firemen outside a building. There were lots of lights flashing, but the guys were just standing around, with no fire in sight.

Next I just wandered, ho
ping to maybe come across a celebrity or something. No such luck, but I did find this repetition visually interesting.

I next headed up to Washington Square Park. There seems to always be things going on there. In the park, there is an area for chess playing. Usually it's just random older guys playing each other and nobody really cares, but today there was a crowd around one game. It was a little kid, looked about five years old, playing a man who had to be around 50. The kid was doing well, and the game came down to only a few pieces left, but the man did end up winning. He gave the kid a rematch, however, which he said came only 'for smart playing'.

After the match, I headed to the other side of the park. There was a group of people standing around as hippies played drums and rattle shakers, screaming 'no war!'. They were right under the arc in the park, next to the street. Some cars passing b
y would honk, other people shouted dissapprovingly and gave the protesters the finger.

So my wandering paid off today with some good stories and a few good pics. Big bad interview tomorrow, gotta get prepared.


Skyline Sunset

I made my way over to the East River in Brooklyn tonight to watch the sunset over the skyline. It was very relaxing, and I got quite a few good shots.


The Last Days of Summer

The summer seems to be winding to a close, and I'm starting my job search. My internship has ended, and now it's time to find work before my funds run out. It is way too hot to be running around the city in a suite, carrying a 20 lb. portfolio, but it must be done.

No time to blog, I have to search monster.com, hotjobs.com, careerbuilder.com and any other website offering some sort of paid labor.

If you are in any position to hire me, visit swaite.com and track me down. Thanks.


City of Brotherly Love

Two of my brothers and their girlfriends visited me in the city for the past couple days. We had a good time, and I got to do the whole tour guide thing, which was exhausting.

The highlight of the visit for me was hitting up a comedy club. We went to The Comedy Cellar the first night they were in town. There were lots of well-known comics there that night, and every one of them was good for a laugh or two.

Depending on whether or not I find a job, I may not see my brothers till around Thanksgiving, so it was good to have them around.