So that was the first quarter. I just spent over an hour vigorously typing away and trying to track down ads. It was hard, and I may give up before the end of the game. Still, stay tuned until I crap out.
Spot: Give a Little Love
Brand: Coke
Rating: 8/10
This spot is not new, but I still really like it. No, love it.
Spot: Marketing Department
Brand: Go Daddy
Rating: 5/10
Alright, here it is, the infamous Go Daddy spot. This time they give us a glimpse into their 'Marketing' department, a room filled with large chested women. Thanks for the boobs Go Daddy.
Spot: Oprah and Dave
Brand: David Letterman Show
Rating: 7/10
This was just a short promo, but I like it. Way to play on the whole Oprah/Dave thang.
Spot: Immigrants
Brand: Bud Light
Rating: 5/10
Ha. I like the spot, and the payoff is funny.
Spot: Ain't We Got Love
Brand: Chevrolet
Rating: 7/10
Actually a car commercial I can stand. I didn't recognize a few of the people in the spot, but I'm sure they are somewhat famous.
Spot: Trailer
Brand: Pride
Rating: 2/10
Spot: Testing
Brand: Schick Quatro
Rating: 2/10
Nothing new here.
Spot: Chest Hair
Brand: Snickers
Rating: 8/10
Haha. Don't ya hate when that happens? I love the line, "Quick, do something manly." And then ripping out the chest hair just put the spot over the top. Good work Snickers.
Spot: Wedding Auction
Brand: Bud Light
Rating: 5/10
Gotta love auctioneers.
Spot: Moon Office
Brand: FedEx
Rating: 8/10
One of my favorites so far. Great cinematography and idea.
Spot: Cliff
Brand: Toyota Tundra
Rating: 2/10
I just don't like vehicle commercials. I rather would see it go over the edge.
Spot: Karate
Brand: Sierra Mist Free
Rating: 4/10
I liked the beard comb-over a lot better.
Spot: Selling
Brand: Salesgenie.com
Rating: 3/10
Boring with no twist or anything. Not even gonna try to find out what they are actually trying to sell me.
Spot: Beard Comb-Over
Brand: Sierra Mist Free
Rating: 5/10
I've always kinda liked these commercials, and I just may grow one of those beard comb-overs.
Spot: Click a Mouse
Brand: Blockbuster
Rating: 3/10
Cute for families I guess. Maybe kids would like the animals and the play on the mouse/computer mouse thing.
Spot: Live the Flavor - Doritos Crash
Brand: Doritos
Rating: 6/10
One of the user created spots. I like it, but there were other finalists that I liked more.
Spot: Rock, Paper, Bud Light
Brand: Bud Light
Rating: 6/10
Ha. Like it a lot.
Spot: F Series Super Duty
Brand: Ford
Rating: 2/10
Longer version of the previous shorter ones. Still don't like it.
Spot: Trailer
Brand: Norbit
Rating: 2/10
Another movie in the series of Eddie Murphy staring as every character. I find it a bit odd that in this one he is dating himself. Kind of like going and fucking yourself.
Spot: Cheesy Bites
Brand: Pizza Hut
Rating: 4/10
Jessica Simpson looks very pale in this spot. I would rather see her in those Daisy Dukes and cowboy boots in the 'These Boots are Made for Walking' video.
Spot: Total Access vs. Netflix
Brand: Blockbuster
Rating: 3/10
I like the style of the animations.
Spot: Edge
Brand: Ford
Rating: 5/10
Not a new spot, but I like the cinematography of the car riding through the city on the edge.
Spot: Smile
Brand: McDonald's House Charities
Rating: 4/10
Sweet little charity spot.
Spot: Trailer
Brand: Ghost Rider
Rating: 2/10
Another movie I don't wanna see.
Spot: Party
Brand: NFL Network
Rating: 4/10
Like the use of all the celebrities, especially Martha Stewart and Janet Reno.
Spot: Assembly
Brand: Ford
Rating: 1/10
Boring Ford spot.
Spot: Journey Necklace
Brand: Kay Jewelers
Rating: 3/10
Typical commercial from them.
Spot: Mountain Bikers
Brand: Citi Bank
Rating: 2/10
Not a new spot from them, and I didn't really like it the first time I saw it.
Spot: Shooters Trailer
Brand: Shooters
Rating: 2/10
Don't wanna see it.
Spot: Preview
Brand: Survivor Fiji
Rating: 2/10
Never really got into the show, but wouldn't mind visiting Fiji.
Spot: Preview
Brand: Amazing Race All-Stars
Rating: 1/10
Another show I never really got into.
the second quarter...
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