
Across the Universe Review

Last night I checked out a new movie that features entirely songs by The Beatles. It's called Across the Universe. Being a huge Beatles fan, I was pretty pumped to see this flick, but I had read a bad review in Time Out New York and was a little unsure going in.

The movie would have disappointed me if I hadn't had read the bad review, but as it was I was entertained and enjoyed all of the great Beatles tunes. The plot brought to life key figures of The Beatles lyrics, such as Jude, Lucy, Maxwell, Prudence and Sadie. In the style of a musical, the movie followed the times of the 1960s and 70s, touching on the Vietnam War and the Psychedelic Era. The group of friends finds and loses love, gets caught up in the rock scenes of the time and come full circle.

Across the Universe was a nice artsy piece filled with stunning visuals and trippy LSD inspired effects. If you like musicals, over the top productions and The Beatles, you will love this movie. If you know nothing about John, Paul, George and Ringo then you probably will have a little trouble getting into it. But, check it out and judge for yourself.

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