
Microsoft Word Designer Needed

I get quite a few emails about art director and designer gigs and positions. This last one caught me a little off-guard. Microsoft Word Designer? Who the hell designs anything in Microsoft Word? The only thing I've ever designed in Word was a birthday card for my mom when I was 10 and that didn't even make it onto the damn fridge. I guess she didn't like the birthday cake clip art I chose. "You must be able to build this e-mail in Word."? So now anyone who can format an email is a designer? Must be quite the full-service ad agency when they need to bring in more designers for Microsoft Word. Good luck filling the position.


Hudson River Sunset

There are some beautiful sunsets in New York City this time of year. Here is tonight's as seen from my apartment window.


Airbus A380 Bird is Flying Soon

I like the illustrations on these Airbus A380 ads a lot, but I'm a little confused by them. Why the giant bird as the plane? I like the drastic change form more typical airline ads, though.

Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Beijing
Executive Creative Director: Nils Andersson
Creative Director: Wilson Chow
Art Director: Bo Deng


Jeep Has Parking Spots Anywhere

Pretty clever. These Jeep parking spots were placed all over Copenhagen, making Jeep part of the urban environment. I like simple, subtle guerrilla ideas like these. Nice work.

Agency: Bates Y&R, Copenhagen, Denmark
Chief Creative Officer: Ib Borup
Art Director: Peder Schack
Copywriter: Tobias Aggergaard
Photographer: Pernille Elung


Volkswagen Golf is Unusually Attracting to Flies

I'm not real sure that this Volkswagen Golf GT commercial makes any sense, but it's entertaining. Serves them damn frogs right for all these years of eating defenseless flies.

Agency: DDB, Berlin, Germany
Creative Director: Wolfgang Schneider
Art Director: Wolfgang Schneider
Copywriter: Wolfgang Schneider
Agency Producer: Marion Langer
Production Company: Outsider, London/ Marken films, Germany
Director: Henry Littlechild
DP: David Luther
EP: Toby Courlander
Producer: Ben Roberts
Editorial: Marken Films/Germany
Post/Effects: The Framestore/London
VFX Artist(s): Ben Cronin
Sound Design: Jungle Studio/London
Sound Designer: Cris Turner


Alerj Smoking Awareness Burns Your Life Away

These are interesting visuals. I would have liked to see more of an interaction with the illustrations and the ashes, like maybe the people running from them. But, they are still pretty nice ads. Copy translates, "With cigarettes, your life goes to ashes."

Agency: Staff, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Heinz Ketchup Gets Twisted

Nice looking ads and a good idea to go with the copy. Good work.

Agency: McCann Erickson, London
Executive Creative Directors: Brian Fraser, Simon Learman
Art Director: Jay Phillips
Copywriter: Neil Clarke
Illustrator: John Martin



Car Polish So Clear You Can See Everything in It

It took me a second to realize what these visuals were actually of, and I guess that's the point. Copy reads, "Sonax Xtreme Car-polish." Nice work. The photography and design look amazing. So clear and vivid. If you need some help viewing the ads, click on them to enlarge.

Agency: Serviceplan München/Hamburg, Germany
Creative director: Ekki Frenkler
Art Director: Miro Moric
Graphic Design: Patrizia Marroni
Photpgrapher: Anatol Kotte



Grow Plants Faster So You Can Kill Them or Yourself

These ads are pretty original. I like the illustrations and the ideas. Copy reads, "Make plants grow faster." The kid with the noose, however, seems a bit inappropriate and morbid. Are they trying to look like a suicide aid? Kudos on the others, though.

Agency: DDB, Dusseldorf, Germany
Copywriters: Tim Jacobs, Dennis May
Art Director: Thomas Schwarz
Illustrator: Dino So


Fast Delivery is a Blur

These ads get right to the point. Copy reads, "Extremely fast delivery." When you have something simple to say, you can still say it creatively. Nice example of that.

Agency: NBS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Creative Director: André Lima, Pedro Feyer
Art Director: Bernardo Romero, Marcello Noronha, Ivan Loos
Copywriter: Sabrina Villar, Rodrigo Dorfman


Enjoy Brunch at The West 79th St Boat Basin Cafe

One of the great perks of living on the Upper West Side is the proximity to Riverside Park and the Hudson River. It's really nice to walk on the water and there is also a few restaurants along the river. One of those restaurants is The West 79th St Boat Basin Cafe.

I finally ate at the Boat Basin Cafe today and it was great. We sat on the patio and had a great view of the water and all of the boats. The menu was made up of things like burgers, salads and sandwiches. All of which were very reasonably priced. I definitely recommend hitting up the Boat Basin Cafe for lunch with friends or a casual dinner date. But do it quick, the restaurant is seasonal and will only remain open 'till the weather turns cold.


Shedwatoon 27: Rough Week

This cartoon is the twenty-seventh in a weekly series drawn by a talented illustrator named Victoria Levan. Check back each Friday for a new Shedwatoon.



French Milk is Crazy

This is one of the craziest milk commercials I have ever seen, but I like it. I love when the milk comes flooding out of the cow, haha. There is also a website where you can play lots of games in the same style as the commercial.



Illy Coffee is Now at Burger King, Along with the Mob

Wow. These are some great Burger King ads. If I wasn't completely opposed to ever stepping inside a fast-food restaurant, I might actually act on these ads. I love the photography and the ideas. Copy reads, "Italy's finest coffee now at Burger King." Stereotypical Italian visuals, but they work really well. Nice job.


MTV Base Looks Cool

Awesome art direction on these. I love the style and the intigration of the text. Great work.


Ambi Pur's Got Your Pet Skunk Covered

Makes sense, but doesn't make me want an air freshener. It just makes me think of that freakin' skunk stink. This is one idea that should have made its way to the trash.

Agency : Grey Hong Kong
Executive Creative Director: Keith Ho
Creative Director: Eddie Hui, Edmond Chan
Art Director: Edmond Chan, Gloria Fung, Leslie Wong
Copywriter: Eddie Hui, Wilson Ang
Photographer: Garry Chan
Retoucher: Shing


Monsters Aren't the Scariest Thing for Some Children

These ads are pretty great. I love the art direction with the pencil drawings. Very well done. Copy reads, "There's something scarier in the house. 80% of abused children are victims of their parents." Great idea to throw the kids in with the monsters in their closets and under their beds.

Agency: JWT San Juan, Puerto Rico
Creative Director: Jaime Rosado
Art Director: Héctor Buscaglia
Copywriter: Lixaida Lorenzo


Shedwatoon 26: Bunny Wars

This cartoon is the twenty-sixth in a weekly series drawn by a talented illustrator named Victoria Levan. Check back each Friday for a new Shedwatoon.



NYC Wants You Bad

Here's some ads that are part of the new New York City tourism campaign. I like the illustrations and the idea, but I really like the commercial version, below. I love the mixture of animation, illustration and video. I wish they would have taken more of that into the print executions. Explore more about the campaign on the This is New York City website.

Agency: BBH, New York


The Making of Sony BRAVIA Play-Doh

Here's even more coverage of the Sony BRAVIA Play-Doh ad. The video features lots of interviews with crew members and agency executives, as well as lots of behind-the-scenes video of the rabbits. Sorry you can't see the video right in this post, but you can see the whole thing over at AdGabber. More info and video will be on the Sony website later today. Enjoy.

Yamaha F350 Looks Like a Plane

This is a pretty nice ad. Good idea and good execution. Copy reads, “New F350. The world’s highest horsepower outboard."

Agency: 1861 United, Milan, Italy
Creative Directors: Roberto Battaglia, Pino Rozzi
Art Director: Giorgio Cignoni
Copywriter: Laura Cattaneo



Christina Aguilera Sprays Herself with Her Own Scent

This is a short little ad for Christina Aguilera's new perfume of the same name. Not much to it, but there rarely is in celebrity endorsed stuff. But I'm a sucker for celebrities in ads, so here ya go.


Sony BRAVIA Ads Another Ad to It's Collection

Well, this one comes as quite a shock. Just days after the release of Sony BRAVIA's Play-Doh ad, another spot from the campaign pops up. This one seems more like an Egypt local spot, draping a pyramid in colored thread. And, like most local spots, it lacks the greatness of the rest of the previous BRAVIA work. I think it's just the editing that doesn't do it for me. The situation could have been great. Please try harder next time BRAVIA, please try harder.

Agency: Y&R, Egypt



Sprite Illustrates Some Great Ads

I really, really like these Sprite ads. The illustrations are very well done and look awesome. I also love the logo treatment in the bottom right corner. The world one also has a pretty great copy that reads, "2/3 of the world is covered in water. The rest is covered by thisty people." Too bad they spelled 'thirsty' wrong. Great work, nonetheless.

Agency: Ogilvy&Mather, New Delhi, India
Creative Director: Emmanuel Upputuru
Art Director: Arnab Biswas
Copywriter: Godwin Martin
Illustrator: Arnab Biswas
Additional credits: Pooja Trehan, Krishna Mani
Published: September 2007
Media: Posters during college fests in New Delhi



Campina Optiwell Milk Floats High

Ha...I like how simple these are, but they still get the point across. Copy reads, "Only 0.1% fat." Nice work.

Agency: KNSK, Hamburg, Germany
Art Director / Copywriter: Nick Jungclaus