
Gold's Gym is Genious

I love this Gold's Gym piece. They used apron's at barber shops and put a body builder type body on them. What a great execution, and great place for an ad. You sit there for 20 minutes staring at yourself in the mirror. Perfect opportunity to grab the consumer.


Bad Idea and Bad Photoshop Work Sell Shingles

What the hell is going on in these horrible ads. Copy reads, "Beauty can save life." They are for shingles. Shingles! Are they really trying to tell me that my shingles are gonna save me from a military bombing and a dinosaur? Well, at least they made up for the dumb idea with crappy Photoshop work. I hate these ads.


Protect the Dolphins Before They Evolve

These are nice. Great Photoshop work. Copy reads, "They can't afford to wait for evolution."


Ad Operates Elevator

This is a pretty clever placement, but I'm not sure business people are who you should be targeting with a fork-lift. This might have worked better someplace else.



Art Attack

This is such a great video. I love it, beautiful.


ProBlogger Meetup Recap

I just got home from the ProBlogger meetup, held in New York City tonight. This was my first meetup, so I was unsure what it would be like going in, but it turned out to be a great time. I met quite a few very different types of bloggers. From a brain injury blogger to a noted poker authority to a conversation agent to my former interviewee Elaine Vigneault; I spoke with them all. It was great to put a face to a name in some cases, and be introduced to completely new sites in others.

If you're heading to a meetup anytime soon, here are some suggestions I have from this experience. First of all, take the time before to make some sort of card to promote yourself. You'll meet quite a few new people, and you'll want a way to make a lasting impression. Next, meetups are a great place to meet people for the first time that you have gotten to know online. Make plans with them beforehand to meet. Lastly, have fun. These are social gatherings, not work, so have a drink, introduce yourself to others and make the most of it.


Prison Break Star Hides in Gap Ad

I spotted this Gap ad on the side of a New York City bus today. What struck me was one of the models. It's Wentworth Miller, the Prison Break star. He's the second from the left. Are the other models people I should recognize, or was Wentworth a Gap model before he became the an escaped convict?

Nissan Pathfinder is Found

I like this Lost reference a lot, and the art direction is nice. I'm confused, though, whether the Nissan Pathfinder has found the islanders or if they are just so happy in their new vehicle they don't care to be actually found.


Keep Giant Insects Out

I like these. Nice Photoshop work, but something tells me if these giant insects want in, nothing's stopping them.


Studio Universal Disses Today's Cowboys

Kinda feels like an anti-gay ad. I don't really like this, but it's an interesting approach.


ProBlogger NYC Meetup Reminder

Just a reminder about tonight's ProBlogger meetup in New York City. All the information is below. Hope to see you there!

ProBlogger Meetup
Thursday, March 29, 6:30pm to 9:30pm
Connolly’s Pub and Restaurant
121 West 45th St (b/w 6th and Broadway)



Wonderbra Breaks Outdoor Board

I like this idea a lot, but the genius of it kind of gets lost in the execution. It just looks like a broken ad. I think if they had let it roll over eventually with some sort of payoff it would have made more sense.


IAMS Does Dogs Good

These are great. A simple, creative idea communicates the product benefit perfectly. Copy reads, "Helps small dogs act big."


Super Glue Locks Up Your Wheels

This guerrilla effort out of Guatemala takes it to a whole new level. From what I can gather, they took wheel locks and attached them to parked cards along the street along with their a super glue product shot. It's a great idea, but I'm sure it pissed off a few of the car owners. I got this info by translating the Spanish report, so if anything was lost in translation, someone please let me know.

UPDATE: My poor Spanish translation has been corrected. These were not random cars, but actually rented cars placed by the agency. That makes a bit more sense, but could still have made some people mad if they usually park on that street.


MINI Writes a Book

MINI the Book is a look back at, you guessed it, the MINI. Amazon describes the book as, "Ten cult photographers, creative designers and artists present their own take on the MINI, backed up by a host of stories, anecdotes, facts and figures, and the lowdown on the rising MINI Community. Plus there's everything you wanted to know about the men who made the MINI into the timeless legend it is." The book also highlights the iconic advertising done for the brand. Sounds like a great marketing tool for MINI. I like it.


Spa Explosive Water Looks Nice

The art direction in these Spa ads from Belgium is great. I love the perspective and the colors.


L'Express News Saves Lives

I like the unique art direction in these, and I like the Titanic one better than the Little Red Riding Hood. Copy translates, "The most informed we are, the strongest we are."



New Vault Spots

I really like the Vault campaign. They are funny and the voice over work is great. This is one of two new commercials. You can see the other one at the Vault site under advertising.


IFAW Uses Words to Replace Animals

Nice, short ads here for International Fund for Animal Welfare.


Pampers Ads Look Great but Sound Weird

I love the art direction and illustration in these Pampers ads, but I don't get the "Pppppppp..." copy. Can anyone fill me in?


ESPN Puts You Courtside

This is a great idea for ESPN, and the execution is done really well. Communicates perfectly what ESPN is and stands for. If you can't tell what's going on, click the images to enlarge them.


Asahi Beer Ads are Good

I like these ads for Asahi, a Japanese beer. They use the whole fortune cookie thing nicely. The art direction is simple too, which looks good.


VW Puts Crash Test Dummies in Assisted Living

Haha...gotta love an old folks home for crash test dummies. Great ad.


ColorJack Color Matching Sphere

Here's a pretty cool tool for all of you graphic designers and art directors out there. It's called ColorJack, and it's a simple color sphere that matches up colors that work well together. It's got a few settings you can play with, like choosing how you many colors you want in the scheme, or how you want them to work together. You can also export the swatches to programs such as Illustrator and Photoshop. Great for an easy color scheme to your next project. There is also a Mac OSX widget version.

AT&T Sues NASCAR Over Paint Colors

I don't think I've ever posted about anything NASCAR related, and that's odd because there's some major ad dollars being spent on those circling cars, so here goes. AT&T is dropping a lawsuit on NASCAR in an attempt to get their logo updated on Jeff Burton's #31 car. Cingular has sponsored the car for six years, but as we all well know, AT&T is telling Cingular how high to jump now. It seems the Nextel (a major NASCAR sponsor and AT&T competitor) has been dragging their paint brushes in the logo updates. I hope Burton likes blue and white.


Pantene Wraps Women in Their Own Hair

Here are some hairy Pantene Pro-V ads. These long haired beauties love their hair so much that they've wrapped their naked bodies in it.


Got Milk? Goes Insane Beautifully

Here's some crazy new Got Milk? ads. They feature imaginary lands where everything is nuts, but milk is still essential. I like em because they are freaky weird.


Left Foot Yellow, Penis Red

Haha...what a great idea in this Pfizer Viagra ad. Those Twister bed sheets need to hit the market.



The World Never Ends with Photoshop

Pretty nice Photoshop work in these Century Travel ads. Copy reads, "Where does your world end?"

1/3 Schincariol is Cool

The art direction in these ads for Schincariol, a Brazilian beverage company, is nice. I really like all the colors.
